Part One: Eric's Hose Springs A Leak By Ted D. The first blush of dawn ushered in another humid summer morn as the fog slowly lifted from Lisa's groggy consciousness. She slowly became aware that it wasn't a torpid dream- Eric had stolen into her bedroom and she could barely make out his outline beneath her upraised nightie. He was gingerly trying spread her thighs while delicately stroking her labia with his tongue. It was clear to her that he was petrified that she would awaken: She couldn't suppress the small,involuntary spasms- with each one he froze and listened intently for a few moments, before resuming his lapping. But perhaps I should back up a little and explain how all of this came to be. The day before he had been on his way to see his girlfriend Colorado when the old, softened radiator hose in his ancient Toyota finally gave up the ghost. After walking for what seemed forever he finally came upon a lone farmhouse only to find out that the nearest garage was 35 miles away and wouldn't be open until the morning. Lisa and her friend Barb were gracious enough to offer him dinner and a palace to sleep on the overstuffed couch- and after more than a little wine following dinner the evening had been quite cozy. He thought that both of the women were quite attractive- Lisa had long dark hair,sparkling brown eyes, a soft Latin complexion, and looked to be in her early thirties. Barb was the classic blue-eyed blond, with short,almost shaggy hair, an athletic bounce to her step, and it was apparent that she was a good bit younger than Lisa. He wondered if she was out of her teens yet. While washing up before dinner he had passed the open door of Lisa's bedroom- and in plain sight on the table next to the king sized bed lay a tube of K-Y jelly and a large, polished dildo. He spent the rest of the evening trying to visualize both of them naked on the bed enjoying the dildo, while trying (not very successfully) to conceal the bulge in his blue jeans. He wasn't what you'd call worldly and experienced- he was only 22. But he was overwhelmingly horny, and he finally managed work up the courage to make an awkward pass at Lisa. She didn't say a word- she looked straight into his eyes while smiling and gently shaking her head no. He blushed, looked down at the floor, and quickly said he'd like to take them up on their offer of a bath before retiring. The bathroom was old fashioned- plain wooden floor, claw-foot tub, pull chain toilet, and a pedestal sink. The old plank door had a worn latch, and the slightly out of plumb jamb gave it a tendency to wander back open whenever vibration worked the latch free. Eric knew none of this as he hastily stripped off his clothes, opened the faucet in the tub (as much to mask sound as to draw his bath), and immediately began to furiously stroke his massive erection. There was no need to search for something to lubricate his cock, it was already soaked with an evenings worth of pre-seminal discharge. He closed his eyes, focused on what he imagined Lisa's cunt looked like, and in less than a minute the now familiar surge of ecstasy swept over his entire being, his pelvis was thrusting forward convulsively, and hot semen was boiling out his cock, spattering the floor and side of the tub. A few moments later his post orgasm reverie was shattered when he looked up, saw that the door was half open, and caught a momentary glimpse of what he thought may have been someone scurrying down the hall. Had one of them been watching him jerk off? The thought was somehow humiliating and arousing at the same time. He pushed the door shut again, placing his shoes against it to keep it shut. After doing what he could to wipe away all traces of his cum, he settled down to enjoy his warm bath. After about ten minutes, he heard a knock on the door- it was Lisa. She was ready for bed and would he mind hunkering down in the tub for a bit while she came in to brush her teeth? He said sure and was knocked for a loop when she entered wearing a sheer, pale blue nightie. The material did little to conceal- her breasts where large, almost perfectly round, and he could see the slight fold on their underside, obviously caused by their weight. He could see that her areola were large and quite dark, and her nipples were surprisingly small- well out of proportion for such a large breast. She was wearing no panties but all he could make out was a lush patch of dark pubic hair. Her figure was more Reubenesque than he had realized- her midsection was thicker and her belly more rounded than he had imagined(while mentally raping her earlier that evening). She turned to the sink, bent over, and began to brush her teeth- and Eric was mesmerized. He was staring her not very veiled ass cheeks, ripe and full with the deep crack clearly visible. He was surprised at how much she was turning him on- he had thought extra pounds would make his dick limp. Every woman he had ever been involved with had been obsessed with keeping the weight off and yet here he was with his cock swelling again, rising up above the water in the tub, less that ten minutes after a massive orgasm. Lisa soon finished brushing her teeth, but instead of turning toward the door to go, she stepped to the side of the tub. Eric froze- he had a perfect view of Lisa's crotch under the shift, but he couldn't take his eyes off her eyes. She was looking straight at his throbbing cock. She was nonchalant when she said, "Sorry I couldn't oblige you tonight- I can see how 'interested' in me you are, but I like to get to know a fellah a bit before I get to know him better, if you know what I mean. See ya in the morning." She turned and left- and his dick slowly deflated. Whenever he had looked at his own cock when he had an erection- particularly when his meatus turned that wicked shade of blue- he thought that no woman could resist. It wasn't narcissism- he just thought that Eros was universal. He couldn't imagine himself turning away from an aroused pussy given the same circumstance, no matter who it belonged to- it seemed unnatural somehow. Later that night as he struggled to get comfortable on the lumpy couch, he heard the faint but distinct buzz of the dildo and, in a short while, the rhythmic squeak of a box mattress. His cock was swollen an instant and the thought of Lisa and Barb in bed in the other room brought back memories of the first time he had ever seen a pussy (at least one that didn't belong to his baby sister). He was twelve and was spending the night at his best friend's house. They had stayed up late talking about girls and sex. Eric couldn't sleep- he was abuzz with hormones- and by three o'clock in the morning he couldn't stand it anymore. He got his penlight, tiptoe down the hall, and crept into his friend's 14 year old sister's room.She was sound asleep, lying on her side with her knee's halfway to her chest. After 5 minutes of heart-in-his-throat maneuvering under the sheets, his face was inches away from her pussy. The scent was intoxicating as he turned the penlight on and stared at the canyon of her ass in dumb rapture. Because of the position of her legs, her hips were spread open and he riveted his eyes on her asshole. His boyhood friends had called it the "brown eye" and for a long while he had thought that there was something wrong with his. Back when he was in the sixth grade- out of pure curiosity- he had curled up in a ball and, with the help of a shaving mirror,looked at his asshole through a shaving mirror. It was definitely not brown but rather a shade of pink that was hardly much deeper than the rest of his flesh. He couldn't talk to anyone about this- guys who looked at their own butt were queers or perverts or worse, especially ones with odd looking bungholes. But here before his very own eyes was proof that he was not alone! Her's wasn't brown either- sort of a reddish purple, with a thin wisp of hair surrounding it. And he knew that assholes weren't supposed to make his dick hard, but this one sure was. He resisted the urge to touch it and focused on what he knew men were supposed to focus on: the part where the canyon converged into a sparsely haired pair of lips that extended beyond the barrier of her closed thighs. And somewhere within those lips was the hole that he knew was important to anyone with a cock as hard as his was now. He gave only a moments thought to the risk he was about to take, and gently began to prod the puffy flesh. It would yield to pressure, but was somehow firm. And it's texture was something he had never before experienced. The magic hole was somewhere within and he gently tried to pry the lips apart with his finger. To his surprise, it was mostly dry inside- everything sort of stuck to itself and there was nothing remotely resembling a hole. But that dryness didn't last long. She scared the hell out of him by shifting a bit, and after his rapidly beating heart slowed somewhat, he tried again. This time he found that his finger glided among the folds of flesh easily and almost immediately it sank to his knuckle- eureka!He strained to see it, but her thighs were still tightly together- the best he could do was explore by touch, and evidently his dick was happy with that- he could feel the dampness of his oozing cock making a mess of his pajamas bottoms. Presently all of this changed- she abruptly rolled onto her back, raised her knees straight up, and spread her legs. He couldn't quite believe that this was the posture of someone who was asleep. Her right hand started to massage her pussy and all of his fear was buried by the absolutely entrancing scene enfolding before his eyes. The sparse hairs surrounding her nether lips quickly spread and became heavily populated as her slit disappeared into the rise of her pubic mound. They were jet black, soft, downy, and somewhat matted. His were kinky and curly - and nowhere near as thick up top (and he felt vaguely inadequate because of it). Lower down, the transition of milky white flesh between her legs to the puffy, flushed flesh at her outer lips was clearly visible. His attention was quickly diverted to the now wide open gash and he could clearly see her vagina. The orifice wasn't at all like an asshole- he could sort of see inside, and this mostly clear nectar was flowing out, a nectar with a scent even better than what he was so intoxicated with a short while ago when everything was dry. And the colors inside her cunt! Everything glistened and reflected the beam of his penlight- most of it could be compared to the color inside a conch shell. But it wasn't monotone - some of the tips of the various folds had a feathery pattern with a darker pigment, almost purple. Her pelvis was beginning to rock now and he could see that she was touching herself mostly higher up her pussy- there was a bit of glistening flesh there in the shape of a upside down V, and beneath it was a rigid knob of flesh unlike anything else in her pussy-it almost looked like a miniature cock. She was moving much faster now and the nectar was flowing into the crack of her ass. He watched entranced as the crinkled, furrowed flesh of her asshole began to flex and relax rhythmically. He had one hand on the penlight while he unbuttoned his pj's and began to urgently stroke his throbbing cock. She reached around with her other hand, began to circle the rim of her ass with a finger, and then abruptly buried it up to her knuckle.It was all much too much- his body stiffened, he thrust his pelvis as far forward as possible, and let loose a string of semen all over the sheets. He dashed out of the room in terror, certain he would be found out- cum didn't smell anything like what came out of a pussy and from past embarrassing experience, he knew that the stains on a bed sheet were easy to recognize. Days later, after hearing not a word from anyone about what happened that night, he finally relaxed- she really must have thought it was just an erotic dream and the soiled sheets has somehow been overlooked. On her part, she had a tremendous orgasm shortly after he left that night. And the memory of it was fuel for a good number glorious masturbations (even years later when she was married)- everything between her legs had been on stage that night: pussy, asshole, pubic hair, and a scent that she had once thought would be certain to turn a guy off. That hadn't been the case tonight and there was a puddle of cum on the sheets to prove it! And she didn't have to look him in the eye and blush because she had enjoyed what good girls weren't supposed to enjoy- it was much less complicated to put on a show while pretending to be asleep. The the thought of that night long ago was almost more of a turn-on for Eric than his present circumstances. He knew that he was being toyed with- at least one of them had watched him jerk off in the bathroom and whoever used the dildo that night couldn't be foolish enough to think that he hadn't heard. He resolved to get up in the middle of the night for a repeat performance of his "panty raid". He was more exhausted from his long walk than he realized- his mental alarm clock didn't get him up until shortly before dawn. And the wine was no longer relaxing his inhibitions- this was beginning to look like a bad idea. But his cock was already stiff and what the hell, it worked before, it could work now. He chose Lisa for the same reason he had tried to hit on her last night- she was older, more experienced, and less likely to be shocked by sexual aggressiveness. And that smile when she turned down his overture was more than a tease- it was a challenge. And so he found himself in a familiar situation. This time there were no sheets to contend with but, like before, he found that she wasn't wearing panties beneath her shift. He had no penlight this time and he silently cursed because he couldn't feast his eyes on her naked crotch. He paused to inhale the intoxicating odor. He had intimate knowledge of only seven different women, but that was enough for him to realize that each pussy not only looked unique, but had it's own unique scent as well. His girlfriend Tracy took great pride in cleanliness and wouldn't think of going on a date without some feminine deodorant in her purse. He had tried to talk to her about it, but she thought he was being crude and would hear no more about it (and he felt crude, but he loved the scent anyway- and it sure made his dick hard). Lisa's pussy smelled like a pussy- after a year of monogamy with Tracy the humid musk between Lisa's legs was making a tent out of the front of Eric's shorts. He reached down and slid them off, allowing himself only a quick few strokes with his hand- his throbbing cock was well beyond the point where it needed encouragement. He gently eased her legs a bit further apart, sidled his body closer, and began to delicately probe her labia with his tongue. He was surprised at the amount of curly, tangled pubic hair he had to maneuver through, but he soon found the gash and his tongue began to gently massage her clitoris. After a couple of involuntary pelvic spasms (which terrified Eric- but she didn't awaken), her pussy became wet and gushy. She shifted a bit and spread her legs further. Eric began to wonder if all women were this easy while they slept, but he knew he couldn't stay much longer- his cock was aching with pleasure and he was beginning to have his own involuntary spasms- and there was no way he was going to give himself away by ejaculating all over the sheets. At the same time Lisa was wondering how long she could keep up the charade- she wanted in the worst way to thrust her cunt into his face, but that would spoil the fun. Fortunately for her, she didn't have long to wait- Barb appeared at the door motioning silence to Lisa with a finger to her lips. She crept up behind Eric (he was so engrossed that stealth wasn't necessary). She had an old dog leash coiled in her hands and she knelt down and tied one end to the bedpost. The other end she had formed into a noose of sorts and, quick as a flash, she slipped it over Eric's ankle. He rose up in shock, half turned, and in an instant went crashing to the floor as the slack ran out. Barb flipped on the light and, with a big shit-eating grin, she stared down at the now blushing Eric lying naked on the floor . Without skipping a beat she summoned her best West Texas drawl: "Son, folks don't take kindly to rape in this part of the world. Last fellah we caught was found hanging upside down by a rope tied around his balls." He didn't know what to think- Barb was grinning and Lisa had propped herself up on a pillow, spread her legs, and had begun to leisurely masturbate herself. Barb took a couple of steps and straddled his prone body. I was apparent that eye contact wasn't important- her focus was his cock. And Eric's gauze was riveted on the white lace panties three feet from his face. The space between Barb's legs was unusually wide and there was a plump fullness to her pussy. Her nether lips formed a distinct groove which was clearly visible beneath the fabric. Eric's erection, which had begun to fade, was now throbbing away at full staff. Barb said, "You fucked up, Eric... We own you now. And don't say a word- just do whatever we tell you." Barb glanced over at Lisa, but she could tell that, for the moment anyway, the impending orgasm she was methodically working towards was the only thing Lisa was interested in. She walked to the bed, turned on the table lamp, and then to the dresser where she turned on another lamp. The room was now flooded with light as she returned to Eric and knelt by his side. "A cock standing up when a guy's on his feet is no big deal, but it's somethin' special when he's on his back and it's still up in the air !" Eric felt a surge of pride and lust as she took his dick in her hands, brought her face inches away, and began to examine it in detail. It was hard as a rock, but she could easily slide the skin up and down over the rigid, somewhat corrugated interior. A wicked looking large blue, clearly pulsating vein snaked its way up the shaft, staying mostly on the right side and ballooning just before it disappeared beneath the reddened folds of what remained of his foreskin. The skin on the shaft was a smooth, translucent peach color. Numerous tiny red and blue capillaries were visible just beneath the surface- and it was peppered with an occasional hard, pigmented bump not much bigger than a grain of very fine sand. The skin reddened somewhat in a thin line running up the underside of the shaft, almost as if someone had wrapped his cock and this was where they seamed the fabric. Beneath this lay an oval ridge running the length of his shaft and it seemed to Barb that Eric's was more pronounced than most. The shaft was about average in length and breadth, but the crown was unusually large. The flare of his meatus reminded her of a ski jump and the furrow running from the slit to the underside was deep. She squeezed hard just beneath his crown, it expanded slightly, and she marveled at how the end of his cock looked like a delicious, overripe plum. His meatus was slick with a copious amount of clear discharge, and Barb pressed it between her fingers. With light pressure the tip opened and it seemed to her to be the entrance of a Lilliputian vagina. She released his dick and watched it pulse up a fraction with each beat of his heart- she recalled the hypnotic metronome (and the vague heat between her legs) as she struggled to pay attention to her piano lessons. (She was eleven then and hadn't connected the dampness in her panties with the crush she had on her piano teacher). She reached for his scrotum, fondling and weighing his testicles- and it bothered Eric enormously when she declared that his left nut was smaller than his right. How could she know in a couple of minutes something that he hadn't yet learned after living with his body all his life? And did this mean that he was deformed? He didn't have much time to dwell on it- both he and Barb were distracted by the sounds of Lisa's climax. She turned to watch the moment of bliss clearly reflected on Lisa's face, quickie shifting her eyes to her soaking wet pussy, still pulsing with aftershocks. Her own cunt had by now thoroughly stained her panties. She slipped them off, removed her nightie, and turned to see the wide-eyed grin from Eric. She gave him a mock scowl and told him to turn over, place his face on the floor and get on his knees with his cheeks spread. Lisa waited a few moments to regain her composure, threw off her nightie, and joined Barb at Eric's side. Eric caught a glimpse of Barb's naked body before his face hit the floor and he was certain that he was about to cum all over the place. His cock was just beginning the preliminary rolling spasms when he felt a pair of hands spreading his cheeks followed by a tongue circling the rim of his asshole. He immediately tightened his sphincter and recoiled, trying to close his asscheeks, only to find himself surprised at his own involuntary reaction. Ever since watching Cathy (his teenage friend's sister) fingering her asshole, anuses had been a big turn-on for him (helped, no doubt, by a dog-eared copy of "The Story of O" that he smuggled out of his father's study). But Cathy had turned out to be unique- all of the girls he had slept with made it very clear that their rear ends were off limits. He had thought they were somewhat prudish and repressed, but for the first time he was looking at anal sex from their point of view- and he found that he agreed with them! He had little time to reflect on this, however- Barb reared back and gave his butt a healthy smack. "DO AS YOU'RE TOLD, GODDAMNIT! GET THAT SKINNY LITTLE ASS OF YOURS UP IN THE AIR AND KEEP THOSE CHEEKS SPREAD!" The intended effect was mitigated somewhat as Eric heard the both of them trying to suppress giggles. But this slight reprieve didn't last: he felt the touch of a K-Y laden finger massaging the crinkled furrows of his anus, followed by a hand cupping his balls. It was Barb. Lisa had crouched down on the rug, focusing on the other side of Eric's plumbing- his throbbing cock (which by now had been erect for close to an hour). She was determined to watch it erupt and presently began to masturbate him with long, slow, deliberate strokes. The effect on Eric was clearly electric: Rolling convulsions began to shake his entire body- and he went into orbit when Barb thrust her finger into his asshole and began to massage his prostate through the thin membrane: His balls tightened and receded, Barb felt his sphincter squeeze her finger as his prostate began to pulse, Lisa felt the shaft swell and watched the meatus grow and darken. He strained forward to thrust his cock forward into the non-existent pussy- and in an instant the thick, viscous semen boiled out, first in an explosion and then in rapidly diminishing amounts as each thrust became less forceful. Eric finally slumped down into the mess he had made on the rug, breathing heavily and covered with beads of sweat. NEXT: Part Two- Hotcakes and Sausage for Breakfast To find more Adult text files like this, call Apples of Eve BBS, in Gaithersburg, MD (301) 990-7565